Friday, September 19, 2008

The People Around Me...

I've had many stupid, cheap and cruel incidents going on around in the past few days. People, have shown me, how opportunities can shape their lives... against me. They have taken advantage of the fact, that I, a Peacelover, should not fight with anyone, verbally or physically. They have pricked me, just in the confidence that I won't do anything back. And, if I do, they would go on blabbering about my ideals and values on Peace, just to keep me shut. Is this what I get for trying to help people? Is this what I get for trying to advise them calmly, ending up in my calamity? Is this what peace means to everyone? If this is what is mean, it is nothing different than a weapon of mass destruction, not physical but mental...

I hate criticising people, character assassination( speaking ill of a person), and other nonsensical things of the sort, but what am I left to do? Is this why, I have thoughts like this? So I could be disrupted in every corner, by every friend I have?

I have been demoralised, by trying something new, and seeing it burn before my eyes. But people, don't think I'll give up. If Edison could take 1000 times to make an electric bulb, I would go that 1001 time to make a bulb glow in everyone's heart, the bulb of peace.

I am sure that I will make myself not be affected by these useless things happening around me. I will make sure, that those assaulting me in the name of 'Peace' will feel guilty to such an extent that they would stop doing the same. 

My good old friend called me a 'pessimist' today which really tore me apart. Well, I'll show him how optimistic I really am.

Let Peace ring in the hearts of all...



Unknown said...

The best medicine for this is to love people back in return for every harm they do to you!
Also, every time you are upset, broken down or sad just take a glimpse at those who souls who love you deeply and would go to great extents to help you out...the rest would get back into its place automatically!

The Messed Up One said...

It is just alright da,
what Padma said is also correct but you just need to forget the past, and live for the future.
Just think of friends who really help you in time of need and you will then understand the world is not such a bad place to live in...
You can also see my blog,

As the quote goes,
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Others stay awhile, make footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same." - Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

hi abbhinav!! i found u on abhi's profile!

all the best!!